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La nostra visione scientifica è incoraggiare la curiosità dei bambini in modo che pongano domande che alimentano esplorazioni e indagini sull'universo in cui viviamo. Crediamo che i bambini svilupperanno la loro comprensione e conoscenza attraverso l'esplorazione pratica, che non si limita alla classe, e spesso condurre i bambini all'aperto nella natura per indagare. Vengono inoltre impartite lezioni interdisciplinari su base regolare, creando collegamenti efficaci con le altre aree curriculari come matematica, inglese e informatica. 

Year 2 Visit the Recycling Centre

As part of their 'Uses of everyday materials' unit in science, children in Year 2 visited the local recycling centre. They wore protective gear and used tools to help them identify and classify materials to determine whether they could be recycled. 

Cranbrook Children Visit Bancroft's Science Fair!

During Science Week, 8 budding scientists from Year 5 and 6 were lucky enough to attend Bancroft’s Science Fair. It was phenomenal!
The Fair had 4 different sessions: biology, physics, chemistry and the fair exhibition itself.
The children made and launched their own own rockets, experimented with slime, bubbles, dry ice and the colour spectrum, they were also lucky enough to observe various chemical reactions in a science lab! Here are some of the moments we managed to capture:

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